I’m Darren Bailey, owner and chief videographer of Web Video Imagery. I’ve been in the broadcast and production industry since 1995.
After spending years in the “run and gun” business of news, I came to understand that everyone has a story. ... See More
We have served over 200 local business in Utah creating small to large scale profile videos, sizzle reels, teasers, testimonials, commercials and documentaries. We are experts in technical skill and creativity and we have a quick turn over time. WeSee More
...My name is Calen. I am a cinematographer and editor based out of the Park City, UT area. I have over 6 years of experience in video production and I am the owner of Calen Albert Cinematography LLC. I love pushing the limits of what I can do with mSee More
...Everything has a story to tell from the simplest product to a more complex brand experience. AJ's role as a director, cinematographer, editor and producer is to help you tell that story with beauty, power, interest, enlightenment and meaning. With See More
...We offer highly skilled and experienced videographers with expert knowledge of any broadcast camera you prefer. These same videographers are able to walk your project through post production with over a decade of experience in the editing suite. Our See More
I specialize in Personal History and Family History Videos. I have an archive of over 10,000 retro type photographs and images. I can use these images to help tell your personal history. Many of these are specific to Utah and the Mormon faith.
I ... See More
Yamshots Media provides quality and affordable videography and photography services. Weddings, How you met videos, wedding photos engagements, family and individual portraits. You name it we do it.
Beautiful and cinematic, see our sample work online. If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine what 24 pictures a second will mean to you throughout your life.
Let us preserve the Magical Moments of your life. No hourly fees or hidden costs. Visit our website to see our demos and see the quality and creativity for yourself.
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